Monday, August 6, 2018

"Standing Alone" by Margaret Slaughter

“Do not be fooled. ‘Bad companions ruin good character.’  Come back to your right senses and stop your sinful ways.  I declare to your shame that some of you do not know God.” –1 Corinthians 15:33-34
A few weeks prior to this picture, I shared a photo when the tree was full of blossoms.  This particular morning, only one blossom was left standing . . . alone.  I thought to myself, how many times have I had to stand alone, and how hard was it for me to make the choice to stand alone?

Let’s be real, living for Christ is not always easy.  I use the subject scripture often when I’m talking with young people, but what about us – the seasoned ‘saints’?  Do we always make good choices with the company we keep?  Probably not.  As followers of Christ, it is a good practice to periodically evaluate the relationships in our lives.  Are they honoring God?  Are they encouraging us to be strong in the Lord, or stray from His plan for our lives?  Are they encouraging us to follow our sinful nature, or follow the Spirit?  What kind of fruit are your relationships producing in your lives?

As you begin to evaluate your relationships, you may find there are times you will be forced to stand alone to honor God.  It is important to remember you may have to stand alone in the natural, but in the spiritual, God is always there.  His Word promises us that He will never leave you, nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).  Just as the tree shed its beautiful blossoms, we may be forced to shed some seemingly beautiful relationships.  But be not afraid, you are not alone.
Margaret Slaughter