Monday, May 7, 2018

"Bloom Where You’re Planted" --by Margaret Slaughter

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“Seek peace and well-being for the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace (well-being) you will have peace.’” –Jeremiah 29:7 AMP

Oftentimes when we are placed in an undesirable environment, we spend our time hoping and wishing we were somewhere else.  But what if we are there for a purpose?  To initiate change of that undesirable environment.  As believers in Christ, we are called upon to spread the Gospel.  Not just when the conditions are favorable.  But everywhere, all the time!

There is a quote by Nido R. Qubein that says, “Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?  A thermometer only reflects the temperature of its environment, adjusting to the situation.  But a thermostat initiates action to change the temperature in its environment.”  Being a thermostat requires action, i.e., faith without works . . .

Our subject scripture requires us to do a few things before we can reap the benefit promised in His Word.

  1. “Seek peace and well-being for the city where I have sent you into exile”.  Seek is a verb, meaning to go in search of.  That means God is calling you to DO something;
  2. “and pray to the Lord on its behalf”.  Pray is also a verb, meaning to address God.  Again, God is calling you to DO something on behalf of your undesirable environment.
In doing what God has called us to do, not only will be benefit, but your environment will benefit . . . Blooming where you’re planted!

Margaret Slaughter